Preliminary Analysis of IMLS-funded Maker Literacies Pilot

Over the last year I’ve been busy with our IMLS-funded pilot program Maker Competencies and the Undergraduate Curriculum. The grant team will be spending the summer conducting our analysis and writing our report to the IMLS. I’ve got some preliminary analysis to share, and will post more over the summer as our results begin to gel. By the end of September 2018 we will have launched an official Maker Literacies website where we’ll post our full report and analysis, plus curriculum materials for each of the courses that participated in the pilot study. Visit the Thinking Outside the Stacks Blog to read my preliminary analysis post.

Library 2.017: Makerspaces

My presentation at Library 2.017: Makerspaces, “Competencies-based Course Integration of Academic Library Makerspaces,” was about the Maker Literacies Program at UTA Libraries. Please accept my apologies for failing to hit my record button until a few minutes into the presentation. You can download my slides to see the couple that were missing from the video. There were also some audio anomalies that were not my fault, and I apologize for those too 🙂

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