In “Drone Club & Tinker Time: Preparing Student Employees to Assist Library Users with Drones, Robotics, and Electronics,” a UTA Libraries student employee, Nicolas McClintic, and I presented on how UTA Libraries is fostering student engagement with drones, robotics and electronics through informal tinkering and exploration programs such as Tinker Time and Drone Club. This informal training effort was created in preparation for rollout of our new drone, robotics and electronics space coming in spring 2021, and our need to prepare our student employees to be able to provide good user service when that takes place. I provided a brief intro about UTA Libraries Tinker Time and Drone Club initiatives, and Nicolas talked about his role from the student employee perspective, focusing on digital creation software, the experience of working with this team, and the lesson plans he created.
Read more about UTA Libraries at STEM Librarians South 2020, visit the UTA Libraries Blog.